In order to run locally the application there are only few, easy steps.
Let us start by downloading the source code.

Download the code

The easiest way to download the code is by cloning the Git repository.
This can be done with the command:

git clone
Or by simply inserting the URL into any Git client.
You can also download the zip folder here.


To install and run the application you need a modern web browser compatible with javascript and the D3 library.
Google Chrome is suggested, but any other up-to-date browser is fine (trying it on Internet Explorer is at your own risk, though).
Javascript has to be enabled in your browser.
Once you have downloaded the files, the easiest way to have the application up and running on your local pc is to start a local web server using Python.
From the command line, navigate to the main folder of the project, then type:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

The server should now be running and you can reach the application by entering in the browser the URL:



For the project we have used D3 for manipulating documents based on data, Leaflet.js for interactive maps, jQuery for DOM manipulation, Underscore.js which provides useful functional programming helpers, SunCalc a library for calculating sun/moon positions and phases, queue.js for asynchronous Javascript calls, and JSTS Topology Suite for geometry calculation on map.